How To Work Through Writing Assignments On Topics You're Not Familiar With
By Nick Usborne
If you have been writing professionally for any length of time, you know that you enjoy some kinds of work more than others.
When a writing topic matches your own areas of interest and expertise, writing is a lot more enjoyable. And it's easier too.
We may plan the assignment, but we can also depend on our unconscious minds to feed us information, structure and a constant flow of energy.
In other words, writing on topics that interest us is a pleasure. We have a huge resource of knowledge to draw upon. We feel positive because we are tapping into an area of personal expertise.
All these factors contribute to helping us write quickly and efficiently, with a minimum of distractions or procrastination.
However, when we take on a task that isn't a good fit for us, writing becomes much harder.
We have to do all the research. We don't have an existing body of knowledge to call upon. And nor can we depend on that personal sense of authority and enjoyment that comes with better-matched writing work.
The first question to ask here is, "Why take on writing assignments that aren't a perfect fit?"
There can be a number of reasons. Maybe we just need the extra income. That's a very valid reason. Or maybe we are trying to expand our area of expertise. That's valid too.
Whatever the reason, we need to find a way to help speed up and ease the pain of these unfamiliar and more difficult writing jobs.
In my experience, the best way to work quickly and efficiently on a topic that is unfamiliar is to become very, very organized.
You need to prepare for and plan these assignments a lot more carefully and thoroughly.
The 5-step Writing Rituals method is ideally suited to this circumstance.
By applying each ritual you will find that even tough, unfamiliar writing assignments can be broken into logical steps and worked through with minimal difficulty.
Learn more about Nick's Writing Rituals method here...
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